NPG Layout

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Systems and Services

Here is a diagram of our current system layout.

Black Systems represent physical hardware.

Blue Systems represent Virtual Machines

Arrows indicate which system a Virtual Machine is running on. Other hosts with VMWare capability can be used to fill in for the main Virtualization server during downtime.

Services are listed beneath each system's name, followed by the specific software used to provide that service.

System layout current.png

System Redesign

This area features the current working diagrams for the proposed system redesign that will occur with the replacement of the current Einstein hardware. Working copies of the Dia files for these diagrams are located in my Public folder ( /net/home/aduston/Public/Diagrams ) If they need to be changed or updated.

First Revised design

This updated diagram incorporates Maurik's suggested changes:

Proposed redesign 01.png

Questions / Concerns

This design attempts to minimize the number of virtual machines which frees up a couple of host names. I made Corn a backup DNS server that would run on Taro because this is the best way to failover in case something happens with Jalapeno. Even if Einstein goes down entirely we'll at least have one DNS server still running.

Corn is running Debian and is designed to be a standalone Bugzilla appliance. It is not known whether this will make it difficult to add the DNS functionality ( it should be as simple as installing the service and copying the configuration from Jalapeno ). This needs to be investigated. An alternative is leaving Corn as a standalone and using the Okra virtual machine to provide printing as well as acting as a backup DNS.

It is not known yet whether the old Einstein will be usable as a mirror / failover for the new Einstein. This should be investigated. If it is, we should also investigate whether it will need a Red Hat license, or if CentOS will be sufficient.

Initial Proposed Design

This design is deprecated, but left here for reference purposes.

System layout future.png