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The JupyterHub system allows you to serve up jupyter notebooks over the web.


On [roentgen] we use anaconda in /usr/local/anaconda3 for jupyterhub. On other systems, we do not use the Anaconda install, because that does not play nice with ROOT. We would want to use the default python3 in /bin/python3 but that is a 3.4 python, and we need a >=3.5. Yuck! See: Jupyterhub quick start


First install python3.6 See: Install Python3.6

 yum install https://centos7.iuscommunity.org/ius-release.rpm
 yum install python36u
 yum install python36u-pip
 yum install python36u-devel
 pip3.6 install scipy numpy ipython pandas 
 pip3.6 install jupyter

Jupyter Hub

 yum install npm nodejs
 pip3.6 install jupyterhub 
 npm install -g configurable-http-proxy

Secure Setup With SudoSpawner

Install sudospawner:

  pip3.6 install git+https://github.com/jupyter/sudospawner

Create the "jupy" user that will run things, and setup sudo for this user.

 useradd jupy
 # edit /etc/passwd to so jupy has shell /sbin/nologin

Use visudo to add the following at the bottom:

   # For Jupyterhub use with Sudospawner
   # the command(s) the Hub can run on behalf of users in jupyter group  without needing a password
   # the exact path may differ, depending on how sudospawner was installed
   Cmnd_Alias JUPYTER_CMD = /bin/sudospawner
   # actually give the Hub user permission to run the above command on behalf
   # of the above users without prompting for a password
   jupy ALL=(%jupyter) NOPASSWD:JUPYTER_CMD

Test this with:

  sudo -u jupy sudo -n -u maurik /bin/sudospawner --help

Setup Jupyter Hub

Generate the config area and config file:

  mkdir /etc/jupyterhub
  chown jupy /etc/jupyterhub
  cd /etc/jupyterhub
  sudo -u jupy  /anaconda3/bin/jupyterhub --generate-config

Create new cookie:

 cd /etc/jupyterhub
 openssl rand -hex 32 > jupyterhub_cookie_secret
 chmod og-r jupyterhub_cookie_secret

Edit Config file:

  c.Spawner.ip=""  # This seems needed otherwise spawning on gourd?