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(Created page with "The procedure is a bit more involved than I had hoped. Put the harddrive of the destiny node in the second bay of node2. Then run the following, with "node3" replaced everywh...")
(Replaced content with "The procedure is a bit more involved than I had hoped. Put the harddrive of the destiny node in the second bay of node2. Then run the script /sbin/Node_Clone.sh 2 99 , wh...")
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The procedure is a bit more involved than I had hoped.  
The procedure is a bit more involved than I had hoped.  
Put the harddrive of the destiny node in the second bay of node2. Then run the following, with "node3" replaced everywhere with node#
Put the harddrive of the destiny node in the second bay of node2. Then run the script /sbin/Node_Clone.sh 2 99 , where you replace 99 with the node#
#Prepare drive:
# remove the old partitions
parted /dev/sdb rm 1
parted /dev/sdb rm 2
# create new partitions:
parted /dev/sdb mkpart primary 1049kb 525MB
parted /dev/sdb mkpart primary 525MB 100%
# Boot Drive:
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1
e2label /dev/sdb1 boot
test -r /mnt/boot || mkdir -p /mnt/tmp_boot
mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/tmp_boot
rsync  -avxHAX --numeric-ids /boot/  /mnt/tmp_boot
# Check to make sure it is all there.
# Rename node stuff
cd /mnt/tmp_boot/grub
sed 's/node2/node3/g' grub.conf  > tmp.conf && mv grub.conf grub.conf.orig && mv tmp.conf grub.conf
sed 's/node2/node3/g' menu.lst  > tmp.lst && mv menu.lst menu.lst.orig && mv tmp.lst menu.lst
cd /
parted /dev/sdb toggle 1 boot
umount /dev/sdb1
#    Create Logical volume sets:
pvcreate /dev/sdb2
vgcreate vg_node3 /dev/sdb2
lvcreate -L 8G  -n lv_swap  vg_node3
lvcreate -L 30G  -n lv_root  vg_node3
lvcreate -l 100%FREE  -n lv_home  vg_node3
mkswap -L swap /dev/vg_node3/lv_swap
mkfs.ext4 -L root /dev/vg_node3/lv_root
mkfs.ext4 -L home /dev/vg_node3/lv_home
#  Copy data:
cd /
test -r /mnt/tmp_root || mkdir -p /mnt/tmp_root
mount /dev/vg_node3/lv_root /mnt/tmp_root
mkdir mkdir /mnt/tmp_root/proc /mnt/tmp_root/dev /mnt/tmp_root/tmp
chmod 1777 /mnt/tmp_root/tmp
chmod  555 /mnt/tmp_root/proc
mkdir /mnt/tmp_root/cgroup  /mnt/tmp_root/net  /mnt/tmp_root/srv  /mnt/tmp_root/sys /mnt/tmp_root/boot
rsync  -avxHAX --numeric-ids bin data etc lib lib64 media misc opt root sbin selinux usr var /mnt/tmp_root
mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/tmp_root/boot
mount -o bind /dev /mnt/tmp_root/dev
mount -o bind /proc /mnt/tmp_root/proc
chroot /mnt/tmp_root
# grub-install --recheck /dev/sdb    # === Should work but fails
grub << EOF
root (hd1,0)
setup (hd1)
# Exit chroot
#    Fixup /etc
cd /mnt/tmp_root/etc
rm -f udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rule
fixup  mtab fstab sysconfig/network sysconfig/network-scripts
sed 's/node2/node3/g;/vg_node3/d’ mtab > tmp.tmp && mv mtab mtab.orig && mv tmp.tmp mtab
sed 's/node2/node4/g;' fstab > tmp.tmp && mv fstab fstab.orig && mv tmp.tmp fstab
cd sysconfig
sed 's/node2/node4/g;' network > tmp.tmp && mv network network.orig && mv tmp.tmp network
cd network-scripts
sed 's/;/HWADDR/d;/UUID/d' ifcfg-eth0 > tmp.tmp && mv ifcfg-eth0 xx_ifcfg-eth0.orig && mv tmp.tmp ifcfg-eth0
sed 's/;/HWADDR/d;/UUID/d' ifcfg-ib0 > tmp.tmp && mv ifcfg-ib0 xx_ifcfg-ib0.orig && mv tmp.tmp ifcfg-ib0
cd /
umount /mnt/tmp_root/boot
umount /mnt/tmp_root
echo “ALL DONE - Shutdown the mother node, take out the 2nd hard drive, put it in the destiny node and boot that node. Repeat for next node.”
I'll put this in a script, someday.

Latest revision as of 21:26, 15 April 2015

The procedure is a bit more involved than I had hoped. Put the harddrive of the destiny node in the second bay of node2. Then run the script /sbin/Node_Clone.sh 2 99 , where you replace 99 with the node#