Okra is a Mac Mini server which operates as an Open Directory master for NPG Mac Clients, as well as providing apple file protocol shares for Mac user's home folders. The LDAP database on Okra is a separate LDAP database from the database on einstein. Some similarity exists between the two databases in that User accounts should share the same UID and username across both systems to allow users to have the correct permissions on their files across both systems.
Hardware Details
- Model: Mac mini aluminum
- Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.66 GHz
- L2 Cache: 3 MB
- Memory: 4 GB
- Ethernet Controller: Broadcom 57765
- Wireless Controller: AirPort Extreme (Broadcom BCM43xx) 802.11 a/b/g/n
- Graphics: GeForce 320M 256 MB
- Storage: Hitachi HTS725050A9A362 500 GB 7200RPM x 2
Network Configuration
Okra only has one Ethernet port, so it does not have a Farm interface. Okra also has an Airport wireless interface, but it is not currently used so it has been disabled.
UNH IP Address:
Software and Services
Operating System Version: Mac OS X Server 10.6.3
Open Directory (Mac LDAP)
The Open Directory LDAP database on Okra is configured as follows:
- Base DN: dc=physics,dc=unh,dc=edu
- Kerberos Realm: OKRA.UNH.EDU
Okra's Open Directory server has SSL enabled and it should be used by clients connecting to the server. In order to for it to work correctly you may need to get a copy of the SSL certificate when you configure a client system. To do so, follow the instructions here.
Managing Users
You can manage accounts in the Open Directory database using the Workgroup Manager application.
Okra shares several data volumes of the apple file protocol. These are:
- /Volumes/Server/Users (afp://okra.unh.edu/Users)
- /Volumes/Store/Shared Items/Backups (afp://okra.unh.edu/Backups)
- /Volumes/Server/Shared Items/Public (afp://okra.unh.edu/Public)
- /Volumes/Server/Groups (afp://okra.unh.edu/Groups)