SVT Results at UNH

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First SVT results

This page shows our versions of the analysis results Maurizio posted at complete with ROOT source. I am shamelessly stealing his wiki code, too.


  • Except for the proton and pion graph, we are using protons generated with momentum range 0.2 to 3.8 GeV, covering all angles uniformly
  • The evio output is converted to ROOT output with evio2root
  • The gemc commands to generate the two used data sets are:
$GEMC/gemc -GT=BST -PRINT_EVENT=10000 -BEAM_P="proton, 2.0*GeV, 0*deg, 0*deg" \
-SPREAD_P="1.9999*GeV, 180*deg, 360*deg" -SPREAD_V="(0.1, 0.1, 2.5)cm" \
-OUTPUT="evio, proton_500000.ev" -N=500000 -LUMI_P="e-, 11*GeV, 0, 0" \
-LUMI_V="(0, 0, -5)cm" -LUMI_EVENT="100, 124*ns, 2*ns" -USE_PHYSICSL=QGSP \


$GEMC/gemc -GT=BST -PRINT_EVENT=10000 -BEAM_P="pi+, 2.0*GeV, 0*deg, 0*deg" \
-SPREAD_P="1.9999*GeV, 180*deg, 360*deg" -SPREAD_V="(0.1, 0.1, 2.5)cm" \
-OUTPUT="evio, pion_500000.ev" -N=500000 -LUMI_P="e-, 11*GeV, 0, 0" \
-LUMI_V="(0, 0, -5)cm" -LUMI_EVENT="100, 124*ns, 2*ns" -USE_PHYSICSL=QGSP \