From Nuclear Physics Group Documentation Pages
The JupyterHub system allows you to serve up jupyter notebooks over the web.
We do not use the Anaconda install, because that does not play nice with ROOT. We would want to use the default python3 in /bin/python3 but that is a 3.4 python, and we need a >=3.5. Yuck! See: Jupyterhub quick start
First install python3.6 See: Install Python3.6
yum install https://centos7.iuscommunity.org/ius-release.rpm yum install python36u yum install python36u-pip yum install python36u-devel pip3.6 install scipy numpy ipython pandas pip3.6 install jupyter
Jupyter Hub
yum install npm nodejs pip3.6 install jupyterhub npm install -g configurable-http-proxy
Create the /etc/jupyterhub directory for the configs. Copied starting point from roentgen. Read the docs...