Icarus Sculpture

This sculpture, "Icarus", was photographed on an early morning in Spring in the Netherlands. A spider had just made a web under one of the wings, and a lot of frosty dew had settled on the sculpture and the web.

The sculpture was not made by Marion, but by a friend of hers, Marian.

The photographs were then scanned with a flatbed scanner. Unfortunately scanning photographs introduces artifacs such as dust etc.

Click on any of the images to get a big (giant) version.

Icarus_1 (1795x1184x24 - 331kb)
Icarus_2 (3484x2373x24 - 1Mb)
Icarus_3 (3634x2315x24 - 927kb)
Icarus_4 (3624x2291x24 - 949kb)

For comments or questions: maurik(at)improv.unh.edu

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