At the risk of being pedantic, this page tries to lay out some guidelines for writing code for the gsim project. They are by no means a "be all and end all" set of rules, instead I see them more as suggestions how one may write code that is more robust, easier to read and understand, and hopefully, excutes faster.
Any suggestion that you may have for inclusion or modification of these guidelines are most welcome ! Please, please email me if you have any. You can also edit these pages yourself (/home/holtrop/public_html) and then email me so I won't overwrite your changes by mistake.
Especially in a multi-developer environment like gsim (or recsis for that matter) it is very important to comment your work. Personally, I often find my own code incomprehensible after a couple of years if I don't comment it. This is even more true for reading code that is written by someone else, and even more so if it is something I am not familiar with. You also do yourself a favor by adding your name to these comments. That way you get credit for what you did, and in case someone else disagrees (hopefully a rare occurrence) they will know who to contact before making changes.