Jochen H. Heisenberg
1963 - 1967 University of Hamburg 1967 - 1969 Stanford University 1969 - 1970 MPI f. Physik, Munich, Germany 1970 - 1978 MIT, Cambridge, MA 1978 - University of New Hampshire
[1] "Winkelkorrelationsmessungen an > 30y Holmium 166 und Bestimmung des gR-Faktors des 4+ Rotationsniveaus von Erbium 166", E.Gerdau, W. Krull, L.Mayer, J. Braunsfurth, J.Heisenberg, P.Steiner and E. Bodenstedt, Zeitschr. f. Physik 174, 389 (1963)
[2] " Measurement of the gR-Factor of the 2+ Rotational Level in 184W", H.J.Körner, E.Gerdau, J.Heisenberg, and J.Braunsfurth, in "Perturbed Angular Correlations", North Holland Publ. Co. (1964) [3] "g-Factor Measurement on the First Excited States of 106Pd, 143Pr, 198Hg and 207Pb", H.J.Körner, K.Auerbach, J.Braunsfurth, J.Heisenberg, and U.Ortabasi, Comptes Rendus du Congres International de Physique Nucleaire, Vol II (1964) [4] "Electron Induced Fission in 238U, 209Bi and 181Ta", H.R.Bowman, R.G.Gatti, T.C.Jared, G.Kilian, L.H.Moretto, S.G.Thompson, M.R.Crossiaux, R.Hofstadter, J.Heisenberg, L.M.Middleman and M.R.Yerian, Phys. Rev. 168, 1396 (1968) |
[5] "Elastic Electron Scattering by 208Pb and New Information about the Charge Distribution", J.Heisenberg, R.Hofstadter, J.S.McCarthy, I.Sick, B.C.Clark, R.Herman and D.G.Ravenhall, Phys. Rev. Lett. 23, 1402 (1969)
[6] "Electron- and Bremsstrahlung-Induced Fission of Heavy and Medium Heavy Nuclei", L.G.Moretto, R.C.Gatti, S.G.Thompson, J.T.Routti, L.M.Middleman, J.Heisenberg, M.R.Yearian, and R.Hofstadter, Phys. Rev. 179, 1176 (1969)
[7] "Transition Density of the Octupole Vibration in 208Pb Determined by Electron Scattering", J.Heisenberg and I.Sick, Phys. Lett. 32B, 249 (1970)
[8] "Elastic Electron Scattering from 13C", J.S.McCarthy, J.Heisenberg and I.Sick, Nucl. Phys. A 157, 435 (1970)
[9] "Charge Distribution of the Even Nd Isotopes", J.Heisenberg, J.S.McCarthy, I.Sick and M.R.Yearian, Nucl. Phys. A 164, 353 (1971)
[10] "Inelastic Electron Scattering from Several Ca, Ti and Fe Isotopes", J.Heisenberg, J.S.McCarthy and I.Sick, Nucl. Phys. A 164, 340 (1971)
[11] "Fine Structure in Nuclear Charge Distribution", J.Heisenberg, R.Hofstadter, J.S.McCarthy, I.Sick, B.C.Clark, R.Herman, and D.G.Ravenhall, in "High Energy Physics and Nuclear Structure" edited by S.Devons, Plenum Press, New York, London (1970)
[12] "Elastic Electron Nickel Scattering", J.R.Ficenec, W.P.Trower, J.Heisenberg, and I.Sick, Phys. Lett. 32 B, 460 (1970)
[13] "Nuclear Charge Distributions from Electron Scattering: Barium and Neodymium", J.Heisenberg, R.Hofstadter, J.S.McCarthy, I.Sick, M.R.Yearian, B.C.Clark, and D.G.Ravenhall, in "Topics in Modern Physics", Colorado Ass. Univ. Press, Boulder Col. (1971)
[14] "Electron Scattering Determination of Isotope Differences in the Charge Distribution of the 46,48,50 Ti" J.Heisenberg, R.Hofstadter, J.S.McCarthy, R.Herman, B.C.Clark, and D.G.Ravenhall, Phys. Rev. C 6, 381 (1972)
[15] "Deformation Parameters of 152Sm by Electron Scattering", W.Bertozzi, T.Cooper, N.Ensslin, J.Heisenberg, S.Kowalski, M.Mills, W.Turchinetz, C.Williamson, S.P.Fivozinsky, J.W.Lightbody, and S.Penner, Phys. Rev. Lett. 28, 1741 (1972) [16] "Contributions of Neutrons to Elastic Electron Scattering from Nuclei", W.Bertozzi, J.Heisenberg, J.Friar, and J.W.Negele, Phys. Lett. 41 B, 408 (1972) [17] "Electron Scattering from 19F and 40Ca", P.L.Hallowell, W.Bertozzi, J.Heisenberg, S.Kowalski, X.Maruyama, S.P.Sargent, W.Turchinetz, C.F.Williamson, S.P.Fivozinsky, J.W.Lightbody, and S.Penner, Phys. Rev. C 7, 1396 (1973) [18] "Deformed Charge Distributions of Some Rotational Heavy Nuclei from Electron Scattering", J.Heisenberg, T.Cooper, W.Bertozzi, N.Ensslin, P.L.Hallowell, S.Kowalski, T.Turchinetz, C.F.Williamson, S.P.Fivozinsky, J.W.Lightbody, and S.Penner, Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Physics, 629 (1973) |
[19] "Shapes of Deformed Nuclei as Determined by Electron Scattering: 152Sm, 154Sm, 166Er, 176Yb, 232Th, 238U", T.Cooper, W.Bertozzi, J.Heisenberg, S.Kowalski, W.Turchinetz, C.F.Williamson, L.Cardman, S.Fivozinsky, J.W.Lightbody, and S.Penner, Phys. Rev. C 13, 1083 (1976)
[20] "Electroexcitation of the Ground State Rotational Band in 181Ta", F.N.Rad, T.Sasanuma, W.Bertozzi, J.Heisenberg, M.V.Hynes, S.Kowalski, H.Miska, B.Norum, C.P.Sargent, W.Turchinetz, and C.W.Williamson, Phys. Rev. Lett. 40, 368 (1978)
[21] "Electron Scattering from the Octupole Band in 238U", A.Hirsch, C.Creswell, W.Bertozzi, J.Heisenberg, M.V.Hynes, S.Kowalski, H.Miska, B.Norum, F.N.Rad, C.P.Sargent, T.Sasanuma, and W.Turchinetz, Phys. Rev. Lett. 40, 632 (1978)
[22] "Observation of the 12- Magnetic Spin States in 208-Pb", J.Lichtenstadt, J.Heisenberg, C.N.Papanicolas, A.N.Courtemanche and J.S.McCarthy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 40, 1127 (1978)
[23] "Electroexcitation of the Ground State Rotational Band in 19F", C.F.Williamson, F.N.Rad, J.Heisenberg, S.Kowalski, H.Crannell, J.T.O'Brien, and H.C.Lee, Phys. Rev. Lett 40, 1702 (1978)
[24] "Electron Scattering on 207Pb and the Induced Charge of the Neutron", C.N.Papanicolas, J.Heisenberg, J.Lichtenstadt, A.N.Courtemanche, and J.S.McCarthy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 41, 537 (1978)
[25] "High Spin States of J=12-, 14- in 208 Pb Studied by (e,e')", J.Lichtenstadt, J.Heisenberg, C.N.Papanicolas, C.P.Sargent, A.N.Courtemanche, and J.S.McCarthy, Phys. Rev. C 20, 497 (1979)
[26] "Nuclear Structure Investigations with Inelastic Electron Scattering", J.Heisenberg, in "Nuclear Physics with Electromagnetic Interactions", Proceedings, Mainz 1979
[27] "Single Particle Excitations in Nuclei", Proceedings of the "International School of Intermediate Energy Nuclear Physics", Ariccia (Rome), 1979
[28] "Particle Hole Excitations in 208Pb and the RPA Model", Proceedings of the "International School of Intermediate Energy Nuclear Physics", Ariccia (Rome), 1979
[29] "Determination of the Transition Charge Density of the Octupole Vibration in 208Pb", D.Goutte, J.B.Bellicard, J.M.Cavedon, B.Frois, M.Huet, P.Leconte, X.H.Phan, S.Platchkov, J.Heisenberg, J.Lichtenstadt, C.N.Papanicolas, and I.Sick, Phys. Rev. Lett. 45, 1618 (1980)
[30] "Nuclear Transition Density Determinations from Inelastic Electron Scattering", J.Heisenberg, in Advances in Nuclear Physics, Vol 12, 61 (1981), J.W.Negele and E.Vogt editors, Plenum Publ. Co
[31] "Suppression of the transverse Scattering Amplitude in 207Pb", C.N.Papanicolas, J.Heisenberg, J.Lichtenstadt, P.Sargent, and J.S.McCarthy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 45, 106 (1980)
[32] "Electron Scattering from 208Pb", Proceedings of the workshop on Nuclear Structure with Intermediate Energy Probes, Los Alamos, NM, 1980, LA-8303-C
[33] "Investigation of Natureal Parity High Spin States in 208Pb by (e,e') Reactions", J.Lichtenstadt, J.Heisenberg, C.N.Papanicolas, C.P.Sargent, and J.S.McCarthy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 44, 858 (1980)
[34] "High Multipolarity Electroexcitations in 207Pb and 208Pb", C.N.Papanicolas, J.Heisenberg, J.Lichtenstadt, and J.S.McCarthy, Phys. Lett. 99 B, 96 (1981)
[35] "Transition Charge Densities for the Lowest E5 Transitions in 208Pb", C.N.Papanicolas, J.Heisenberg, J.Lichtenstadt, J.S.McCarthy, D.Goutte, J.M.Cavedon, B.Frois, M.Huet, P.Leconte, Phan Xuan Ho, S.Platchkov, and I.Sick, Phys. Lett. 108 B, 279 (1982)
[36] "Measurement of the Effective E5 Single Particle Transition Densities in 89Y and 90Zr", O.Schwentker, J.Dawson, S.McCaffrey, J.Robb, J.Heisenberg, J.Lichtenstadt, C.N.Papanicolas, J.Wise, J.S.McCarthy, N.Hintz, and H.P.Blok, Phys. Lett. 112 B, 40 (1982)
[37] "Excitation of Low Lying Natural Parity Levels in 208Pb by Inelastic Electron Scattering", J.Heisenberg, J.Lichtenstadt, C.N.Papanicolas, and J.S.McCarthy, Phys. Rev. C 25, 2292 (1982)
[38] "Charge and Current Transition Densities", J.Heisenberg, Nucl. Phys. A 396, 391c (1982) [39] "E2 Transition Densities and Proton Shell Structure in 88Sr, 89Y, and 90Zr", O.Schwentker, J.Dawson, J.Robb, J.Heisenberg, J.Lichtenstadt, C.N.Papanicolas, J.Wise, J.S.McCarthy, L. v.d.Bijl, and H.P.Blok, Phys. Rev. Lett. 50, 15 (1983) [40] "The Effects of Triaxial Deformation in the Structure of the 2+ Transition Charge Density in 58Ni", B.Frois, S.Turck-Cieze, J.B.Bellicard, M.Huet, P.Leconte, X-H. Phan, J.Heisenberg, I.Sick, M.Girod, K.Kumar, and B.Grammaticos, Phys. Lett. 122 B, 347 (1983) [41] "Inelastic Electron Scattering from Nuclei", J.Heisenberg and H.P.Blok, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. Vol 33, 569-609 (1983) |
[42] "Effective Charge of Neutron Quasiparticle Pairs in 206Pb and 204Pb", C.N.Papanicolas, J.Heisenberg, J.Lichtenstadt, J.S.McCarthy, D.Goutte, J.M.Cavedon, B.Frois, M.Huet, P.Leconte, Phan Xuan Ho, S.Platchkov, and I.Sick, Phys. Rev. Lett. 52, 247 (1984)
[43] "Electro-Excitatio of the 1+ state at E=3.486 MeV in 88Sr", L.T.van der Bijl, H.Blok, H.P.Blok, R.Ent, J.Heisenberg, O.Schwentker, A.Richter, and P.K.A .de Witt-Huberts, Nucl. Phys. A 243, 365 (1984)
[44] "Excitation of Positive Parity States in Electron Scattering from 90Zr", J.Heisenberg, J.Dawson, T.Milliman, O.Schwentker, J.Lichtenstadt, C.N.Papanicolas, J.Wise, J.S.McCarthy, N.Hintz, and H.P.Blok, Phys. Rev. C 29, 97 (1984)
[45] "Electron Scattering Experiments". J.Heisenberg, Proceedings of the Conference on the Intersections between Particle and Nuclear Physics (CIPNP)
[46] "Electron Scattering and the Shell Model", J.Heisenberg, Comments on Nuclear and Particle Physics, Vol 13, 267 (1984)
[47] "Inelastic Electron Scattering from 48Ca", J.E.Wise, J.S.McCarthy, R.Altemus, B.E.Norum, R.R.Whitney, J.Heisenberg, J.Dawson, and O.Schwentker, Phys. Rev. C 31, 1699 (1985)
[48] "Determination of the 1g 9/2 Orbit Size in 88Sr, 90Zr, and 92Mo from Inelastic Electron Scattering", T.E.Milliman, J.H.Heisenberg, F.W.Hersman, J.P.Connelly, C.N.Papanicolas, J.E.Wise, H.P.Blok, L.T.van der Bijl, Phys. Rev. C 32, 805 (1985)
[49] "Transition Densities with Electron Scattering", J.Heisenberg, Proceedings Nuclear Structure 1985, R.Broglia, G.B.Hagemann and B.Herskind (editors), Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., (1985)
[50] "Measurement of Charge Density Differences in the Interior of Pb Isotopes", J.M.Cavedon, B.Frois, D.Goutte, M.Huet, Ph.Leconte, X.H.Phan, S.K.Platchkov, C.N.Papanicolas, S.E Williamson, W.Boeglin, I.Sick, and J.Heisenberg, Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 195 (1987)
[51] "Magnetization Densities of 205Tl and 207Pb", C.N.Papanicolas, L.S.Cardman, J.Heisenberg, O.Schwentker, T.Milliman, W.Hersman, R.Hicks, G.Peterson, J.S.McCarthy, J.Wise, and B.Frois, Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 2296 (1987)
[52] "Coulomb Distortion Effects in Deep Inelastic Electron Scattering", G.Co' and J.Heisenberg, Phys. Lett. B 197, 489 (1987)
[53] "Electroexcitation of High-Multipolarity Transitions in 140Ce", B.L.Miller, L.S.Cardman, C.N.Papanicolas, T.E.Milliman, J.P.Connelly, J.H.Heisenberg, F.W.Hersman, J.E.Wise, B.Frois, D.Goutte, and V.Meot, Phys. Rev. C 37, 895 (1988)
[54] "Electron Scattering in the Extended Shell Model", J.H.Heisenberg, in Proceedings of the workshop on "Relativistic Nuclear Many Body Physics", B.C.Clark, R.J.Perry, and J.P.Vary (editors), Ohio State University, p. 546 (1988)
[55] "New Aspects of Collectivity" J.H.Heisenberg, in "Kernfysika met electronenbundels" Liber amicorum voor Prof. Dr. C. deVries, Amsterdam, p.39 (1989)
[56] "Electron Scattering from 92Mo", T.E.Milliman, J.P.Connelly, J.H.Heisenberg, F.W.Hersman, J.E.Wise, and C.N.Papanicolas, Phys, Rev. C 41, 2586 (1990)
[57] "Proton Core Polarization in Low-Lying States of 88Sr", J.P.Connelly, T.E.Milliman, J.H.Heisenberg, F.W.Hersman, J.E.Wise, and C.N.Papanicolas, Phys. Rev. C 42, 1948 (1990)
[58] "Single Particle Excitations in 89Y", J.E.Wise, F.W.hersman, J.H.Heisenberg, T.E.Milliman, J.P.Connelly, J.R.Calarco, and C.N.Papanicolas, Phys. Rev. C 42, 1077 (1990)
[59] "Electron Scattering and Nuclear Structure", J.H.Heisenberg, in "Electron Scattering: Past and Future", Proceedings if the sixth mini-conference, Amsterdam, Nov. 1989
[60] "Electron Scattering Form Factors and Nuclear Transition Densities", H.P.Blok and J.H.Heisenberg, in "Computational Nuclear Physics 1, Nuclear Structure", K.Langanke, J.A.Maruhn, and S.Koonin (editors), Springer, 1991
[62] "Properties of low-lying states in 142Ce via high resolution electron scattering", W.Kim, J.R.Calarco, J.P.Connelly, J.H.Heisenberg, F.W.Hersman, T.E.Milliman, J.E.Wise, B.L.Miller, C.N.Papanicolas, V.Yu.Ponomarev, E.E.Saperstein, and A.P.Platonov, Phys. Rev. C 44, 2400 (1991)
[63] "Interplay between single-particle and collective degrees of freedom in the excitation of the low lying states in 140Ce", W.Kim, B.L.Miller, J.R.Calarco, L.S.Cardman, J.P.Connelly, S.A.Fayans, B.Frois, D.Goutte, J.H.Heisenberg, F.W.Hersman, V.Meot, T.E.Milliman, P.Mueller, C.N.Papanicolas, A,P.Platonov, V.Yu.Ponomarev, and J.E.Wise, Phys. Rev. C 45, 2290 (1992)
[64] "High resolution inelastic electron scattering and nuclear structure", H.P.Blok and J.Heisenberg, in "Modern Topics in Electron Scattering", B.Frois and I.Sick, (editors), Worls Scientific, Singapore [65] "Transition densities of collective excitations in 118Sn", J.E.Wise, J.P.Connelly, F.W.Hersman, J.H.Heisenberg, W.Kim, M.Leuschner, S.A.Fayans, A.P.Platonov, E.E.Saperstein, and V.Yu.Ponomarev, Phys. Rev. C 45, 2701 (1992) [66] "High resolution electron scattering from high spin states in 208Pb", J.P.Connelly, Angelis, J.H.Heisenberg, F.W.Hersman, W.Kim, M.Leuschner, T.E.Milliman, J.Wise, and C.N.Papanicolas, Phys. Rev. C 45, 2711 (1992) [67] "Ground state charge distribution and transition charge densities of the low lying states in 86Sr", W.Kim, J.P.Connelly, J.H.Heisenberg, F.W.Hersman, T.E.Milliman, J.E.Wise, C.N.Papanicolas, S.A.Fayans, and A.P.Platonov, Phys. Rev. C 46, 1656 (1992) [68] "Neutron transition densities from 88Sr(p,p') at 200 MeV", J.J.Kelly, B.S.Flanders, F.W.Hersman, J.H.Heisenberg, J.Calarco, J.P.Connelly, T.E.Milliman, A,Scott, F.T.Baker, V.Penumetcha, W.P.Jones, G.T.Emery, A.D.Bacher, C.Olmer, M.A.Grimm, and M.L.Whiten, Phys. Rev. C 47, 2146 (1993) |
[69] "Ground state magnetization density of 89Y", J.E.Wise, J.R.Calarco, J.P.Connelly, S..A.Fayans, F.W.Hersman, J.H.Heisenberg, R.S.Hicks, W.Kim, T.E.Milliman, R.A.Miskimen, G.A.Peterson, A.P.Platonov, E.E.Saperstein, and R.P.Singhal, Phys. Rev. C 47, 2539 (1993)
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[70] "Ground state correlations and mean field in 16O", J.H.Heisenberg and B.Mihaila,Phys. Rev. C 59, 1440 (1999) [71] "Center-of-mass corrections reexamined: A many-body approach", B.Mihaila and J.H.Heisenberg,Phys. Rev. C 60, 054303 (1999) [72] "Ground state correlations and mean field in 16O: II. Effects of a three-nucleon interaction", B.Mihaila and J.H.Heisenberg,Phys. Rev. C 61, 054309 (2000) [73] "Microscopic calculations of the inclusive electron scattering structure function in 16O", B.Mihaila and J.H.Heisenberg,Phys. Rev. Lett.78, 1403 (2000) |